Stop overthinking and start engaging your students through play and exploration.

Enter your name and email and I’ll send the Play-Based Classroom guide straight to your inbox!

How I can help you

Let's Learn

Get tutorials and go behind the scenes of my classroom, so that you can stay motivated and inspired on your pay-based journey!


Take a look at my hands-on activities, centers, freebies, and more so you don’t have to do all the work yourself.


Follow me on Instagram to get exclusive tips, training, and advice from me and other experts to help you develop your play-based strategies!

Hi, I'm Kassandra!

I help early childhood educators, like you, implement play-based learning while still teaching all the content you need to teach.

You’re in the right place if:

  • You struggle with HOW to implement play-based learning
  • You’re unsure where to start
  • You need to prove to your admin that play-based learning IS beneficial

That’s why I created 5 Keys to a Play-Based Classroom. To give you the confidence in implementing play-based learning, so that you can impact your students even more. Without driving yourself to exhaustion trying to figure it all out on your own!


I’ve Got Your Back, Teacher Friend

If you’re ready to stop struggling with your classroom and finally get somewhere with play-based, engaging learning, I’ve got just the thing for you.

 Inside the 5 Keys to a Play=Based Classroom, I’m going to teach you how to put together a success, engaging play-based classroom. I give you the exact tools that I use daily in my classroom.

So when you sign up, I’ll hold your hand through building your play-based classroom and starting strong.

Seriously, you can’t do this wrong!

It's time to stop struggling with classroom engagement.

You can run a play-based classroom.

It all starts with the 5 Keys to a Play-Based Classroom

Imagine if you could…

  • engage your students through play
  • have centers running like a well-oiled machine
  • see your littles sky-rocket with growth

I can help you get started.


Stop overthinking and start engaging your students through play and exploration.

Enter your name and email and I’ll send the Play-Based Classroom guide straight to your inbox!

From The Blog